
Twitter lança nova ferramenta

jan21 O Twitter lançou segunda-feira uma nova ferramenta de luta contra a desinformação que recorre diretamente à colaboração dos próprios utilizadores, duas semanas depois de banir o ex-presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump. (...)  A nova ferramenta “Birdwatch” (observação de aves) permite a um conjunto de voluntários nos Estados Unidos assinalar mensagens e escrever notas de contexto que serão visíveis, inicialmente, apenas numa plataforma separada.

às voltas com o artigo 230

  Prior to the election, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were already demanding that social media platforms be regulated more closely. As a candidate, President Joe Biden said he would like to see  Section 230  of the Communications Decency Act repealed, though he  has given no indication  he will make doing so a priority.  (...)  The day after Section 230 is repealed or reduced is likely to be chaotic. Users and platforms will confront uncertainty about what is permissible, and both sides are likely to test those boundaries, for both must-carry and must-remove questions around content. In time, though, disputes will be resolved, and the online information ecosystem will probably adapt to the statutory change—at least, the larger platforms will. We may, though, lose the next Twitter to the added costs that a repeal would inevitably entail. New platforms may not be able to afford systems that screen material, making it harder for them to gain funding, to be acquired by larger tech

Bloquer contas desinformação

 20/1/21 By Tuesday afternoon, the account had almost 220,000 followers -- likely helped by the fact that it was being widely and actively discussed and promoted on other platforms including  Twitter   ( TWTR )  and  Facebook   ( FB ) . After CNN asked about the people sharing links to and promoting the Telegram channel on its platform, Twitter said it was "taking action on accounts sharing it" and would prevent the link from being tweeted further. Additionally, Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone told CNN that Facebook had started blocking the link to the Telegram account as of early Wednesday morning.

Twitter apaga conta da embaixada da China

Jan21: Twitter bloqueia conta da embaixada da China nos EUA por "desumanização" após uma mensagem ter referido que as mulheres uigures em Xinjiang se emanciparam e deixaram de ser "máquinas de fazer bebés".  Em 7 de janeiro, o Twitter disse que o tweet da embaixada chinesa violava a política da rede social sobre desumanização. De acordo com esses pressupostos, é proibida “a desumanização de um grupo ou pessoas com base na sua religião, casta, idade, incapacidade, doença grave, origem nacional, raça ou etnicidade”.

Twitter apagou conta de Donald Trump
